Don’t let stress crack you up

Stress has never been a stranger to high school students. But what happens when a global pandemic is added to that ever-growing pile of work?

A class discussion revealed that many WJ students feel unheard, tired, and overwhelmed. The anxiety in the air is palpable; students and faculty alike are uncertain of what’s to come. Senior Jack Szeremet believes that “teachers don’t seem to want to talk about what’s going on, even though we should talk about it.”

Anxiety surrounding the pandemic and remote learning is a common experience. Members of the football and women’s soccer teams temporarily became remote learners last week as they prepared for playoffs.

Lauren Bedrick, a senior volleyball player, shared her experience coping with concern surrounding remote learning. “My volleyball team has started talking about going to remote learning. It’s scary because I didn’t do well online last year. It’s intimidating to have to face the college process and all of my classes on my own,” said Lauren.

It’s true that most students are relieved just to be back in school. However, the rush to make up for lost time can be felt by all students. Many agree that the workload has been overwhelming as teachers try to cope with the two-week delay at the start of this school year.

(Heart and Mind Teaching)

Another senior, Olivia May, said that “quarantine last year was very hard to deal with. Going back to school helped, but now I am super stressed.”

Brooke Massaro, a junior, agreed. “When COVID first hit, it was really hard. Now that we are back at school, my mental health has gotten better, although the workload is a lot,” she said.

Just like physical well being, mental health must be taken care of. It is easy to feel helpless, lost, and anxious during this time. However, you are not alone. There are resources at your disposal to help you get through this.

Speaking with teachers and other trusted adults about what is going on or how you might be struggling is so important as we navigate the uncertain future. The guidance counselors in Alwin Hall are never too busy to listen if you need them. Furthermore, look in your email for The Wellness Nook, a virtual counseling department publication to promote wellness at WJ. And remember to reach out to your friends and check in with them often.

We are in this together, WJ. In the words of Latin teacher Mr. Storad, “Simul ad maiorem: together towards greater things, we can soar!”