WJ students and adults contribute to Toy Drive
Over 600 Walsh Jesuit students donate to this year’s Toy Drive
For the fourth year, Walsh Jesuit partnered with Heart 4 the City for its annual Toy Drive. Heart 4 the City is an Akron based non-profit organization which serves families who are struggling financially. This local organization helps families right down the street from Walsh Jesuit.

Mr. Rob Eubank and Mrs. Jenn Clair in the Admissions Office asked that each student bring in one unwrapped toy. When students brought in donations, they were given a wristband which allowed them to have a Warrior Dressdown day up until Thanksgiving break.
Heart 4 the City serves over 200 families, but without Walsh Jesuit’s participation the toy drive would not be nearly so successful. Mr. Eubank explained, “Walsh Jesuit provides about 75% of the toys donated annually, and last year we donated over 650 toys.”
Toys for all ages were collected, along with wrapping paper, tape, and batteries. Mrs. Clair mentioned that “gifts should be unwrapped because the parents will come in and pick out the toys themselves for their children.” Having the parents pick out the gifts themselves makes it special because they can choose gifts their child will truly love. The Toy Drive provides a gift wrapping station as well as daycare for young children while their parents pick out gifts.
This year Walsh Jesuit’s goal was to achieve maximum participation. Senior Shelby Lewis participates in the Toy Drive annually and remarked, “The Walsh Jesuit Toy Drive is one of the easiest ways to give back to our community and to make sure every family has a special Christmas.”

Walsh Jesuit was able to give back and touch the hearts of scores of local families. Continue to give this Christmas season by donating to the canned food drive before winter break.

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