Bizarre eats with Señor Gaone

Señor Gaone eats what!? “You are what you eat,” declared his good friend Mr.Roland Karthan. So what exactly does this veteran Spanish teacher consume?

Christina Carocci
The recipe for this odd delicacy is Greek yogurt and mustard!

His taste in pizza seems somewhat ordinary — topped with green olives, anchovies, and mushrooms. But his tendency toward the bizarre begins with his beverages. He adds Bosco chocolate sauce to his ginger ale (he could at least use Hersheys!), puts Coke in his chocolate milk, and drinks coffee with peanut butter in it. But as Mr. Karthan said, “We are all strange in our own ways.”

So, as weird as those habits are, they can be overlooked until I discovered his two even stranger snacks. Mr. Gaone actually enjoys mustard in what he calls “plain, healthy Greek yogurt.” Shocked and horrified students frequently observe him devouring this delicacy in the Commons. Comments from juniors Cate Ziegler and Delaney Buck include “He needs Jesus,” “That is sick” and “Typical Señor,”

Connor Cook, a senior student of Señor, observed, “I’ve only been in Señor Gaone’s class for a quarter now, and I’ve heard many things about his strange snacks, for example, the mustard and yogurt combo. I believe that at first it does sound weird and strange, but I also believe that you can’t knock anything until you try it yourself.”

(Christina Carocci)
One of Sr. Gaone’s favorite snacks is cottage cheese with Canadian maple syrup.

I did agree with him until offered a spoonful of Señor’s repulsive snacks. I could not hide my disgust. He had put maple syrup on his cottage cheese! When I asked Bryn Reimer, a Canadian senior, her thoughts, she stated, ” We [Canadians] do love everything with maple syrup on it. ”

At the end of the day we may not try his treats, but we may understand why he chooses to eat these “strange concoctions,” as Mr. Karthan put it. His gastronomical tastes are decidedly libertarian.