Oh, you quirky teachers!
May 1, 2020
Some teachers have certain mannerisms or do things that students find “interesting.” These “quirks” can keep the class light-hearted and entertaining or can drive a kid crazy.

Senior Rachael Holdsworth said, “Mr. Bizga and Mr. Vecchio both say ‘very good’ all the time, and I don’t know why. Also when someone sneezes in Mr. Karthan’s class, he says ‘God bless you’ in German.”
The “very good” phrase is apparently used for any number of reasons – sometimes merely to fill an awkward silence in class. Also, it’s pretty obvious that “gesundheit“ just sounds funny. The more they spend time with their teachers, the more students become aware of their unique behaviors. When the whole class notices these quirks, a burst of laughter breaks out.
Kasey Kish, a sophomore, said, “One of my teachers imitates people and makes really funny noises.” For example, if a student gets a question completely wrong, the teacher imitates the student in an overly dramatic and humorous way by repeating the student’s words in a high voice and re-enacting the student’s body language. He also mocks himself when he says something that’s incorrect. When he mispronounces a word, he might use a goofy voice that emphasizes his mistake. Then he laughs.
Teachers are sometimes unaware of their comical habits. This causes their quirks to be even more hilarious to students.
“I have a teacher who can only listen to one person at a time, and it is really funny,” said junior Kylie Karagiozios. This teacher gets rattled if his plans for the class get thrown off even a little bit. He will put his hands on his head in worry and start talking to himself. Students have become accustomed to this gesture and often exchange knowing glances.
Teachers have, no doubt, provided plenty of material for student commentary for centuries. The Walsh Jesuit faculty is obviously no exception.
Freshman Tommy Kadair said, “One of my teachers always eats really weird food before my class.” This teacher’s room always smells like the food that he has been eating before class, leaving a distinctive aroma that leads to a guessing game among students.
Similarly, lots of students are familiar with Señor Chris Gaone’s unusual food choices. Señor Gaone can frequently be seen strolling the Commons as he treats himself to mustard mixed into plain vanilla yogurt or maple syrup in cottage cheese. (Sorta weird, but he likes it.)
“Ms. Osborne knows the tough rigor of her course, and how it affects her students. So, when her students are a little stressed out she plays ‘The Office’ in class…,” reported Trevor Haag, a senior.
But not all teachers’ quirks amuse students, since they can be bothersome or even cause some tension.
This reporter witnessed the very noticeable, and irksome, quirk of a sort of teacher – a driving instructor. I would count how many times he would say “coolness” during the class. My friend even began to notice and, by the end of the course, each of our notebooks had an entire page full of tally marks. They numbered close to two hundred.
Teachers often have unique qualities that set them and their teaching apart. Students and teachers being able to poke fun at one another in a respectful manner creates a fun class.